Yuvraj Agarwal

Associate Professor of Computer Science
School of Computer Science | Software and Societal Systems (S3D)
Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII)
Electrical and Computer Engineeering (Courtesy)
UC San Diego, Computer Science and Engineering (Adjunct)

Room 327, TCS Hall, Carnegie Mellon University
4665 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Office: (412) 268-7328
Email: yuvraj@cs.cmu.edu
Note: SynergyLabs is located in TCS 235 (2nd Floor). Come Visit!

Faculty Assistant: Erin Murray -- erinmurr@andrew.cmu.edu
Erin's Office Phone: (412) 268-8997. Location: TCS Hall 231

Copyright notice: Permission to make digital/hard copy of all or part of any of the following publications and technical reports for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage. These publications are covered by copyright of the authors and publishing agencies.

Note: Link to my Google Scholar Profile, just for the sake of completeness!

"ClassID: Enabling Student Behavior Attribution from Ambient Classroom Sensing Systems"
Prasoon Patidar, Tricia J. Ngoon, John Zimmerman, Amy Ogan, Yuvraj Agarwal.
Ubicomp 2024 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'24), October, 2024.

"Internet of Things Security and Privacy Labels Should Empower Consumers"
Lorrie F. Cranor, Yuvraj Agarwal Pardis Emami-Naeini.
CACM 2024 -- Communication of the ACM, Magazine Article, Feb 2024.

"Bring Privacy To The Table: Interactive Negotiation for Privacy Settings of Shared Sensing Devices"
Haozhe Zhou, Mayank Goel, Yuvraj Agarwal.
CHI 2024 -- SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024.

"Is a Trustmark and QR Code Enough? The Effect of IoT Security and Privacy Label Information Complexity on Consumer Comprehension and Behavior"
Claire C. Chen, Dillon Shu, Hamsini Ravishankar, Xinran Li, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie Cranor.
CHI 2024 -- SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024.

"Kirigami: Lightweight Speech Filtering for Privacy-Preserving Activity Recognition using Audio"
Sudershan Boovaraghavan, Haozhe Zhou, Mayank Goel, Yuvraj Agarwal.
Ubicomp 2024 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'24), October, 2024.

"Matcha: An IDE Plugin for Creating Accurate Privacy Nutrition Labels"
Tianshi Li, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie F. Cranor, Jason I. Hong.
Ubicomp 2024 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'24), October, 2024.

"TAO: Context Detection from Daily Activity Patterns using Temporal Analysis and Ontology"
Sudershan Boovaraghavan, Prasoon Patidar, Yuvraj Agarwal.
Ubicomp 2023 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'23), October, 2023.

"VAX: Using Existing Video and Audio-based Activity Recognition Models to Bootstrap Privacy-Sensitive Sensors"
Prasoon Patidar, Mayank Goel, Yuvraj Agarwal.
Ubicomp 2023 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'23), October, 2023.

"An Instructor is [already] able to keep track of 30 students": Students Perceptions of Smart Classrooms for Improving Teaching and Their Emergent Understanding of Teaching and Learning"
Tricia J. Ngoon, David Kovalev, Prasoon Patidar, Chris Harrison, Yuvraj Agarwal, John Zimmerman, Amy Ogan.
DIS 2023 -- ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS'23), July, 2023.

"Mites: Design and Deployment of a General-Purpose Sensing Infrastructure for Buildings"
Sudershan Boovaraghavan, Chen Chen, Anurag Maravi, Mike Czapik, Yang Zhang, Chris Harrison, Yuvraj Agarwal.
Ubicomp 2023 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'23), October, 2023.

"A First Look at Third-Party Service Dependencies of Web Services in Africa"
Aqsa Kashaf, Jiachen Dou, Margarita Belova, Margarita Apostolaki, Yuvraj Agarwal, Vyas Sekar
PAM 2023 -- Passive and Active Measurement Conference, 2023

"Are Consumers Willing to Pay for Security and Privacy of IoT Devices?"
Pardis Emami-Naeni, Janarth Dheenadhayalan, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie Cranor
USENIX Security 2023 -- 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, 2023

"TEO: Ephemeral Ownership for IoT Devices to Provide Granular Data Control"
Han Zhang, Yuvraj Agarwal, Matt Fredrickson
MobiSys 2022 -- 20th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, 2022

"Peekaboo: A Hub-Based Approach to Enable Transparency in Data Processing within Smart Homes"
Haojian Jin, Gram Liu, David Hwang, Swarun Kumar, Yuvraj Agarwal, Jason I. Hong
Oakland S&P 2022 -- The 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2022

"Protecting Smart Homes from Unintended Application Actions"
Aqsa Kashaf, Vyas Sekar, Yuvraj Agarwal.
ICCPS 2022 -- 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2022.

"Exploring the Needs of Users for Supporting Privacy-protective Behavior in Smart Homes"
Haojian Jin, Boyuan Guo, Rituparna Roychoudhury, Yaxing Yao, Swarun Kumar, Yuvraj Agarwal, Jason I. Hong.
CHI 2022 -- SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022.

"Understanding iOS Privacy Nutrition Labels: An Exploratory Large-Scale Analysis of App Store Data"
Yucheng Li, Deyuan Chen, Tianshi Li, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Jason I. Hong.
CHI 2022 -- SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022.

"Understanding Challenges for Developers to Create Accurate Privacy Nutrition Labels"
Tianshi Li, Kayla Reiman, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Jason I. Hong.
CHI 2022 -- SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022.

"An Informative Security and Privacy "Nutrition" Label for Internet of Things Devices"
Pardis Emami-Naeini, Janarth Dheenadhayalan, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie Faith Cranor
IEEE S&P 2022 -- The IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, March/April 2022.

"Marble: Collaborative Scheduling of Batteryless Sensors with Meta Reinforcement Learning"
Francesco Fraternali, Bharathan Balaji, Dezhi Hong, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh G. Gupta.
BuildSys 2021 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), November 2021.

"Honeysuckle: Annotation-Guided Code Generation of In-App Privacy Notices"
Tianshi Li, Elijah B Neundorfer, Yuvraj Agarwal, Jason I. Hong.
Ubicomp 2021 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'21), September, 2021.

"The Design of the User Interfaces for Privacy Enhancements for Android"
Jason I. Hong, Yuvraj Agarwal, Matt Fredrickson, Mike Czapik, + 22 other student authors!
arXiv 2021 -- arXiv.org, CS, Technical Report: arXiv:2104.12032. April 2021.

"What Makes People Install a COVID-19 Contact-Tracing App? Understanding the Influence of App Design and Individual Difference on Contact-Tracing App Adoption Intention"
Tianshi Li, Camille Cobb, Jackie (Junrui) Yang, Sagar Baviskar, Yuvraj Agarwal, Beibei Li, Lujo Bauer, Jason I. Hong
PMC'2021 -- Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2021

"Capture: Centralized Library Management for Heterogeneous IoT Devices"
Han Zhang, Abhijith Anikumar, Matt Fredrickson, Yuvraj Agarwal
USENIX Security'2021 -- The 30th USENIX Security Symposium, 2021

"Optimizing Adaptation of Smart Traffic Lights with Resource Constraints"
Prasoon Patidar, Geoffery B. Dobson, Kathleen Carley, Yuvraj Agarwal
WFIoT'2021 -- IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things, 2021.

"Which Privacy and Security Attributes Most Impact Consumers Risk Perception and Willingness to Purchase IoT Devices?"
Pardis Emami-Naeini, Janarth Dheenadhayalan, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie Faith Cranor
Oakland S&P 2021 -- The 42nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2021

"MLIoT: An End-to-End Machine Learning System for the Internet-of-Things"
Sudershan Boovaraghavan, Anurag Maravi, Prahaladha Malella, Yuvraj Agarwal.
IoTDI 2021 -- ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation, 2021.

"Classroom Digital Twins with Instrumentation-Free GazeTracking"
Karan Ahuja, Deval Shah, Sujeath Pareddy, Franceska Xhakaj, Amy Ogan, Yuvraj Agarwal, Chris Harrison
CHI 2021 -- SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021.

"Decentralized is not Risk-free: Understanding Rublic Perceptions of Privacy-utility Trade-offs in COVID-19 Contact-tracing Apps"
Tianshi Li, Cori Faklaris, Jennifer King, Yuvraj Agarwal, Laura Dabbish, Jason I Hong
arXiv 2020 -- arXiv.org, CS, Technical Report: arXiv:2005.11957. May 2020.

"Netter: Probabilistic, Stateful Network Models"
Han Zhang, Chi Zhang, Arthur Azevedo de Amorim, Yuvraj Agarwal, Matt Fredrickson, Limin Jia
VMCAI 2021 -- The 21st International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation

"Analyzing Third Party Service Dependencies in Modern Web Services: Have We Learned from the Mirai-Dyn Incident?"
Aqsa Kashaf, Vyas Sekar, Yuvraj Agarwal
IMC 2020 -- The Internet Measurement Conference, 2020.

"ACES: Automatic Configuration of Energy HarvestingSensors with Reinforcement Learning"
Francesco Fraternali, Bharathan Balaji, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh K. Gupta
TOSN 2020 -- Transactions of Sensor Networks, 2020

"Formalizing Tag-Based Metadata with the Brick Ontology"
Gabe Fierro, Jason Koh, Shreyas Nagare, Xiaolin Zang, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh K. Gupta, David E. Culler
Frontiers 2020 -- Frontiers in Built Environment-Structural Sensing

"Ask The Experts: What Should Be On An IoT Privacy And Security Label?"
Pardis Emami-Naeini, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Hanan Hibshi
Oakland S&P 2020 -- The 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2020

"EduSense: Practical Classroom Sensing at Scale"
Karan Ahuja, Dohyun Kim, Franceska Khakaj, Virag Varga, Anne Xie, Stanley Zhang, Jay Eric Townsend, Chris Harrison, Amy Ogan, Yuvraj Agarwal.
Ubicomp 2019 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'19), September, 2019.

"Who can Access What, and When? Understanding Minimal Access Requirements of Building Applications"
Jason Koh, Dezhi Hong, Shreyas Nagare, Sudershan Boovaraghavan, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh Gupta
BuildSys 2019 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), November 2019.

"Beyond a House of Sticks: Formalizing Metadata Tags with Brick"
Gabe Fierro, Jason Koh, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh K. Gupta, David E. Culler.
BuildSys 2019 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), November 2019.

"Encouraging Energy Conservation at Work: A Field Study Testing Social Norm Feedback and Awareness of Monitoring"
Gabrielle Wong-Parodi, Tamar Krishnamurti, Joshua Gluck, Yuvraj Agarwal
Energy Policy 2019 -- The International Journal of the Political, Economic, Planning, Environmental and Social Aspects of Energy

"Automated Extraction of Personal Knowledge from Smartphone Push Notifications"
Yuanchun Li, Ziyue Yang, Yao Guo, Xiangqun Chen, Yuvraj Agarwal, Jason Hong.
BigData 2019 -- IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Los Angeles, 2019.

"Exploring How Privacy and Security Factor into IoT Device Purchase Behavior"
Pardis Emami-Naeini, Henry Dixon, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lorrie Faith Cranor.
CHI 2019 -- SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems, Glasgow, Scotland, 2019.

"MobiPurpose: Inferring the Purposes of Network Traffic in Mobile Apps"
Haojian Jin, Minyi Liu, Kevan Dohia, Yuanchun Li, Gaurav Kumar Srivastava, Matthew Fredrikson, Yuvraj Agarwal and Jason Hong.
Ubicomp 2019 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'18), September, 2019.

"Coconut: An IDE Plugin for Developing Privacy-friendly Apps"
Tianshi Li, Yuvraj Agarwal, Jason I. Hong.
Ubicomp 2019 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT'18), September, 2019.

"Scrabble: Transferrable Semi-Automated Semantic Metadata Normalization using Intermediate Representation"
Jason Koh, Bharathan Balaji, Dhiman Sengupta, Julian McAuley, Rajesh K. Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal.
BuildSys 2018 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), November 2018.

"Plaster: An Integration, Benchmark and Development Framework for Heterogeneous Metadata Normalization Methods"
Jason Koh, Dezhi Hong, Rajesh Gupta, Kamin Whitehouse, Hongning Wang, Yuvraj Agarwal.
BuildSys 2018 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), November 2018.

"Pible: Battery-Free Mote for Perpetual Indoor BLE Applications"
Francesco Fraternali, Bharathan Balaji, Yuvraj Agarwal, Luca Benini, Rajesh Gupta.
BuildSys 2018 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), November 2018.

"Brick : Metadata schema for portable smart building applications"
Bharathan Balaji, Arka Bhattacharya, Gabriel Fierro, Jingkun Gao, Joshua Gluck, et al (+17 Authors!).
Applied Energy 2018 --Elsevier Applied Energy Journal (2018).

"BuildingRules: A Trigger-Action Based System To Manage Complex Commercial Buildings"
Alessandro A. Nacci, Vincenzo Rana, Bharathan Balaji, Paola Spoletini, Rajesh Gupta, Donatella Sciuto, Yuvraj Agarwal.
TCPS'18 -- Proceedings of the ACM Transactions of Cyber Physical Systems (TCPS), 2018.

"Configurable Systems: An Exploratory Analysis"
Pooyam Jamshidi, Norbert Siegmund, Miguel Velez, Christian Kästner, Akshay Patel, and Yuvraj Agarwal
ASE 2017 -- ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, November 2017.

"Does this App Really Need My Location? Context-Aware Privacy Management for Smartphones"
Saksham Chitkara, Nishad Gothoskar, Suhas Harish, Jason I. Hong, Yuvraj Agarwal
Ubicomp 2017 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT), September, 2017.
* Note, IMWUT is the new ACM journal where papers accepted to the UBICOMP conference now appear.

"PrivacyStreams: Enabling Transparency in Personal Data Processing for Mobile Apps"
Yuanchun Li, Fanglin Chen, Toby Jia-Jun Li, Yao Guo, Gang Huang, Matthew Fredrickson, Yuvraj Agarwal, Jason I. Hong
Ubicomp 2017 -- ACM Transactions on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable Ubiquitous Technology (IMWUT), September, 2017.
* Note, IMWUT is the new ACM journal where papers accepted to the UBICOMP conference now appear.

"Understanding the Purpose of Permission Use in Mobile Apps"
Haoyu Wang, Yuanchun Li, Yao Guo, Yuvraj Agarwal, Jason I. Hong
TOIS 2017 -- ACM Transactions on Information Systems, July 2017.

"Brick: Towards a Unified Metadata Schema For Buildings"
Bharathan Balaji, Arka Bhattacharya, Gabriel Fierro, Jinkung Gao, Joshua Gluck, Dezhi Hong, Aslak Johansen, Jason Koh, + 9 other co-authors!
BuildSys 2016 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), November 2016.
(1) Won Audience Choice Award! (2) Won Best Demo Award! (3) Nominated for Best Paper Award!

"Genie: A Longitudinal Study Comparing Physical and Software Thermostats in Office Buildings"
Bharathan Balaji, Jason Koh, Nadir Weibel, Yuvraj Agarwal.
UBICOMP 2016 -- ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. September 2016.

"Follow My Recommendations: A Personalized Privacy Assistant for Mobile App Permissions"
Bin Liu, Mads Schaarup Andersen, Florian Schaub, Hazim Almuhimedi, Shikun Zhang, Norman Sadeh, Alessandro Acquisti, Yuvraj Agarwal.
SOUPS 2016 -- USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security. June 2016.
(Won IAPP SOUPS Privacy Award!) -- [PHOTO!]

"How Short is Too Short? Implications of Length and Framing on the Effectiveness of Privacy Notices"
Joshua Gluck, Florian Schaub, Amy Friedman, Hana Habib, Norman Sadeh, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Yuvraj Agarwal.
SOUPS 2016 -- USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security. June 2016.

"Toward Building a Safe, Secure, and Easy-to-Use Internet of Things Infrastructure"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Anind Dey.
IEEE Computer 2016: IEEE Computer Society.

"Handling a trillion (unfixable) flaws on a billion devices: Rethinking network security for the Internet-of-Things"
Tianlong Yu, Vyas Sekar, Srini Seshan, Yuvraj Agarwal, Chenren Xu.
HotNets 2015: Fourteenth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. November 2015.

"Zodiac: Organizing Large Deployment of Sensors to Create Reusable Applications for Buildings"
Bharathan Balaji, Chetan Verma, Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Yuvraj Agarwal.
BuildSys 2015 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), November 2015. (Nominated for Best Paper Award)

"Models, Abstractions, and Architectures: The Missing Links in Cyber-Physical Systems"
Bharathan Balaji, Mohammed Al Faruque, Nikil Dutt, Rajesh Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal.
DAC 2015 -- SIGDA Design Automation Conference, San Francisco, June 2015. (Invited Paper)

"Your Location has been Shared 5,398 Times! A Field Study on Mobile App Privacy Nudging"
Hazim Almuhimedi, Florian Schaub, Norman Sadeh, Idris Adjerid, Alessandro Acquisti, Joshua Gluck, Lorrie Cranor, Yuvraj Agarwal.
CHI 2015 -- SIGCHI Conference: Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, South Korea, 2015.

"Demo Abstract -- BuildingSherlock: Fault Management Framework for HVAC Systems"
Rizhen Zhang, Bharathan Balaji, Yan Zhang, Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Yuvraj Agarwal.
BuildSys 2014 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, Memphis, 2014.

"WattShare: Detailed Energy Apportionment in Shared Living Spaces within Commercial Buildings"
Shailja Thakur, Manaswi Saha, Amarjeet Singh, Yuvraj Agarwal.
BuildSys 2014 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, Memphis, 2014.

"Data Driven Investigation of Faults in HVAC Systems with Model, Cluster and Compare (MCC)"
Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Bharathan Balaji, Rajesh Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal.
BuildSys 2014 -- ACM Conference on Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, Memphis, 2014.

"EnergyLens: Combining Smartphones with Electricity Meter for Accurate Activity Detection and User Annotation"
Manaswi Saha, Shailja Thakur, Amarjeet Singh, Yuvraj Agarwal.
E-Energy 2014 -- ACM Conference on Future Energy Systems, Cambridge, June 2014.

"BuildingDepot 2.0: An Integrated Management System for Building Analysis and Control"
Thomas Weng, Anthony Knowkafor and Yuvraj Agarwal.
BuildSys 2013 -- Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, Rome, November 2013.

"ZonePAC:Zonal Power Estimation and Control via HVAC Metering and Occupant Feedback"
Bharathan Balaji, Hitedoshi Teraoka, Rajesh Gupta and Yuvraj Agarwal.
BuildSys 2013 -- Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, Rome, November 2013.

"Sentinel: Occupancy Based HVAC Actuation using Existing WiFi Infrastructure in Commercial Buildings"
Bharathan Balaji, Jian Xu, Anthony Knowkafor, Rajesh Gupta and Yuvraj Agarwal.
SenSys 2013 -- In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2013.

"ProtectMyPrivacy: Detecting and Mitigating Privacy Leaks on iOS Devices Using Crowdsourcing"
Yuvraj Agarwal and Malcolm Hall.
MobiSys 2013 -- Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, 2013.

"Underdesigned and Opportunistic Computing in Presence of Hardware Variability"
Puneet Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal, Lara Dolecek, Nikil Dutt, Rajesh Gupta, Rakesh Kumar,
Subhashish Mitra, Alex Nilolau, Tajana Rosing, Mani Srivastava, Steven Swanson, Dennis Sylvester.

TCAD 2012 -- In Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2012.

"BuildingDepot: An Extensible and Distributed Architecture for Building Data Storage, Access and Sharing"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh Gupta, Daisuke Komaki, Thomas Weng
ACM BuildSys 2012 -- Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings, Toronto, November 2012.
(Nominated for Best Paper Award)

"Towards Verifying Android Apps for the Absence of WakeLock Energy Bugs"
Panagiotis Vekris, Ranjit Jhala, Sorin Lerner, Yuvraj Agarwal
USENIX HotPower 2012 -- In the USENIX Workshop on Power-Aware Computing and Systems, Hollywood, October 2012

"Accurate Characterization of Variability in Power Consumption in Modern Computing Platforms"
Bharathan Balaji, John McCullough, Rajesh Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal
USENIX HotPower 2012 -- In the USENIX Workshop on Power-Aware Computing and Systems, Hollywood, October 2012

"From Buildings to Smart Buildings -- Sensing and Actuation to Improve Energy Efficiency"
Thomas Weng, Yuvraj Agarwal
IEEE D&T 2012 -- In IEEE Design and Test, Special Issue on Green Buildings, August 2012

"Verifying GPU Kernels by Test Amplification"
Alan Leung, Manish Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh Gupta, Ranjit Jhala, Sorin Lerner
PLDI 2012 -- In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Beijing, June 2012

"Managing Plug-Loads for Demand Response within Building"
Thomas Weng, Bharathan Balaji, Seemanta Dutta, Rajesh Gupta, Yuvraj Agarwal
BuildSys 2011 -- In Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings Seattle, November 2011.

"Evaluating the Effectiveness of Model-Based Power Characterization"
John McCullough, Yuvraj Agarwal, Jaideep Chandrashekhar, Sathyanarayanan Kuppuswamy, Alex C. Snoeren, Rajesh Gupta
USENIX 2011 -- In Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 2011.

"Duty-Cycling Buildings Aggressively: The Next Frontier in HVAC Control"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Bharathan Balaji, Seemanta Dutta, Rajesh K Gupta, Thomas Weng
IPSN/SPOTS 2011 -- International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks Chicago, April 2011.

"Understanding the Role of Buildings in a Smart Microgrid"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Thomas Weng, and Rajesh Gupta
DATE 2011 -- Design and Test Europe France, March 2011.

"Occupancy-Driven Energy Management for Smart Building Automation"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Bharathan Balaji, Rajesh Gupta, Jacob Lyles, Michael Wei, and Thomas Weng
Buildsys 2010 -- 2nd ACM Workshop On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings Zurich, Nov 2010.

"SleepServer: A Software-Only Approach for Reducing the Energy Consumption of PCs within Enterprise Environments"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Stefan Savage and Rajesh Gupta
USENIX 2010 -- Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference Boston, MA, June 2010.

"Cyber-Physical Energy Systems: Focus on Smart Buildings"
Jan Kleissl and Yuvraj Agarwal
DAC 2010 -- Proceedings of the ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference Boston, MA, June 2010.

"MicroSystems Driving Smart Energy Metering in Smart Grids"
Yuvraj Agarwal and Thomas Weng and Rajesh Gupta
DAC.com -- Design Automation Conference KnowledgeBase Article, (Invited Paper) May 2010

"The Energy Dashboard: Improving the Visibility of Energy Consumption at a Campus-Wide Scale"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Thomas Weng and Rajesh Gupta
BuildSys 2009 -- First ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings November 2009

"Somniloquy: Augmenting Network Interfaces to Reduce PC Energy Usage"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Steve Hodges, James Scott, Ranveer Chandra, Paramvir Bahl, and Rajesh Gupta
NSDI 2009 -- In Proceedings of USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation April 2009

"SoftSpeak: Making VoIP Play Fair in Existing 802.11 Deployments"
Patrick Verkaik, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh Gupta, and Alex C. Snoeren
NSDI 2009 -- In Proceedings of USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation April 2009

"SwitchR: Reducing System Power Consumption in a Multi-Clients, Multi-Radio Environment"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Trevor Pering, Roy Want, and Rajesh Gupta
ISWC 2008 -- In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing 2008

"WirelessWakeups Revisited: Energy Management for VoIP over WiFi Smartphones"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Ranveer Chandra, AlecWolman, Paramvir Bahl, and Rajesh Gupta
MobiSys 2007 -- In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services 2007

"CoolSpots: Reducing the Power Consumption of Wireless Mobile Devices with Multiple Radio Interfaces"
Trevor Pering, Yuvraj Agarwal, Rajesh Gupta, and Roy Want
MobiSys 2006 -- In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services 2006

"Dynamic Power Management using On Demand Paging for Networked Embedded Systems"
Yuvraj Agarwal, Curt Schurgers, and Rajesh Gupta
ASP-DAC 2005 -- In Proceedings of the 2005 Conference on Asia South Pacific Design Automation 2005

Last Updated by Yuvraj Agarwal on 11/9/2022      Back to Top