The phenomenal improvement in the capabilities of modern smartphones, and the underlying `App' store model of software
distribution, has fundamentally changed the mobile computing landscape. For many people, smartphones are the platform
of choice for their computing needs. These trends have led to several interesting research problems that need to be
addressed. Two of the major ones that I have looked at are energy management (or improve battery lifetime) and mobile
privacy. To improve the battery lifetime of these devices, we have looked at optimizing communication energy consumption
since it is one of the dominant components given the many radios these devices have (Bluetooth, WiFi, NFC, GPS, Celluar).
I have built several systems - CoolSpots, SwitchR, Cell2Notify - to leverage the heterogeneous, and often complementary,
characteristics of different radios on the same device to improve overall battery lifetime. Recently, our focus has been
more towards 3rd party Apps running on modern smartphone OSes which can cause un-necessary battery drain due to developer
error. We have built a tool that verifies Android apps for the absence of energy sapping bugs. The other aspect of mobile
computing that I am very interested in is privacy, specically for smartphone applications that collect and
often sell user data such as location, contacts, various identiers and other private data unknown to users. Our ongoing
project -
ProtectMyPrivacy - explores the extent of these privacy leaks, and provides users the ability to manage access to
their private data. To help users make informed privacy choices we have implemented a crowdsourced recommendation engine.
There are multiple research avenues that PmP has opened up, for example understanding user perception and bias towards
privacy on smartphones, effectiveness of crowdsourcing, improving effectiveness of privacy prompts, and also understanding
the motivations behind privacy breaching apps.